Tuesday, March 20, 2007


okay friends, its time to be a little serious in this post. i'm not sure why. the past few days have been agonising for me. i've been feeling really uncomfortable at my grandma's house. the maid's irritating me. my sis has been on my tail over her handphone ear piece. she wasnt even using it in the first place. and my body's been feeling weak and old all of a sudden. i'm not sure why. it could be that i've been pushing my body through my bodybuilding exercise regimes and near consistent soccer games. i've been trying to get into a fitter shape lately. so yeah. i've achieved more toning on my biceps on the shoulders and more shape on my calf muscles. but i've become more tired and weary. and its kinda depressing me because i'm really used to moving about steadily. but there's been one thing thats really annoying me, causing me to raise my point on the topic this time. so yea. i wanna get on with it. i'd not like to keep everyone waiting on my view. so yeah. i'm getting on with it.

well, i wanted to say what i thought about love. you know, the boyfriend girlfriend thingy? you could call it puppylove if you were below the age of 18 or anything. or you could call it infatuation if it isnt true love. another word for infatuation is lust. i know anyone in love or believes in love would call me a crazy or would probable think i'm a lousy person. but those reading this posting, PLEASE! just listen to my pleas and my words before you judge me.

i'm a believer in love. but i really do NOT believe that in this era we're living in true love is sacred. try asking any person who has a girlfriend. every person with a girlfriend or a boyfriend would say that they're a true lover. but try asking them this. do they know what it takes to be a true lover? what would you think they would say? lol. or maybe you need me to explain?

what do you think true love is? love at first sight? long distance love? puppy love? post love feelings for another person? maybe. i cant say that all these types of loves arent true. but lets say most of them arent. read my lips again. I SAY NONSENSE TO THE FACT THAT LOVE BETWEEN MOST COUPLES THESE DAYS ARE TRUE LOVE. dont tell me that love is based on just sweet words or sweet things you do for the opposide gender. utter rubbish. i've seen many couples, maybe enuff to say that most boyfriends and girlfriends arent serious about their relationships. i could even say that they're in one for the sake of having a girlfriend or a boyfriend. ever wondered why? pls dont blame your friends about it. blame yourself for not being wise enough to think about if you had a relationship when you were not serious, what damage you could do to yourself or the girl or the guy you're with. good that you might be thinking what damage you could do. well, realise this. your pride is at stake. imagine yourself with a girl or guy you were in a relationship with once upon a time. and in the future, you find a new relationship regardless of just another lover or your true soulmate. what if.... your partner had already even knew before of your last relationship? what if it was a bad past relationship? wouldnt you be in a dilemma that you would feel lost of pride and dignity. you might even feel that the person you're with might not trust you or like you sooner or later. i'm not trying to say that it might happen to everyone. it just might happen to anyone. it would be a nicer story if the person you're with is ready to put everything behind to be with you. but the truth is, being truthful and honest in a relationship is essential. even more important, when you pledged to be with someone, uphold the word you have given. you cannot expect everything to run smoothly. nothing runs smoothly when you arent serious in a relationship. the person you're with might be serious and when everything goes wrong, wont they be injustified? what justice is good if you're gonna get away for not being serious about love? and you wanna call it true love? WRONG!

if you're serious in love, good. but show it the way you wanna show. why should you listen to what others say in your relationship. only you and the person you're with matters in one relationship. but when you're in a relationship, pls dont expect a person to be all perfect. there isnt such a thing as a perfect relationship. nvm the fact that they have some flaws. dont you have any flaws? but at the same time too much flaws isnt good either. so what makes a person good but has flaws? someone who has the compassion to feel for another person. to understand that his actions has consequences and effects on others. if a person is able to keep everyone around himself happy, you could consider him or her reliable. but a person who thinks that he's reliable in theory, he's no good because he's only saying he's reliable. but where are the actions to show that he's reliable? for an instance, can you call yourself a true lover without knowing whats the meaning of the term true love? to understand true love, you need to understand that no one is perfect and each person has limitations. you cannot expect them to be in your standards. when it comes to love, you should never size up a person. so yea

another thing i wanna say. whats the use of being with someone and in the end, the person ends up not liking his opp number or ends up liking someone else? does anyone have a clue why do some smart people do that? dont they have a conscience that they might be hurting anyone? maybe if they did have a valid reason or something. but has anyone every tried to change a person they loved if they did wrong instead of leaving them in the ditch for some other person? so is this another term for true love? i dont think so. think about it friends. think hard. if you wanna be in a relationship, make sure you know that you know what you're doing and remember that its not a one man show. its takes two to clap. and it takes two to love. respect true love. not imitate it.

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